Chocolate Scorecard Winners and Discoveries

It is essential that cocoa farmers around the world receive a living income

Living Income for cocoa farming families is key to improve chocolate

These are Industry leaders in the different areas Ritter, Toney Chocolonely, Original Beans, Beyond Good, Chocolate Makers, Lidl and Pladis

These are the Award Winners from the 5th Edition of the Chocolate Scorecard

Measures to eradicate child labor from cocoa farms is improving but there is still a long way to go

Chocolate Companies all have policies that ban child labor but programs on average cover 50% of cocoa farms

The 5th Edition of the Chocolate Scorecard will be released on March 20th

There are improvements in the chocolate industry but in most areas there is still a long way to go!”

— Fuzz Kitto

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, March 20, 2024 / — Make The Choice to Buy Better Chocolate
– Better for people, primates, and planet
– We help you to figure it out

New website being launched March 20th 6am GMT with the release of the 5th edition of the Chocolate Scorecard

Research is showing consumers want more ethical standards (human rights and environmental) in the supply of goods. One of the key commodities is chocolate. But how do they know what chocolate companies are doing?

The 5th Chocolate Scorecard is being released on March 20th in time for the big Easter Chocolate buying season. It rates chocolate companies on both social and environmental practices in the chocolate supply chain.

It rates companies on 6 areas:

1. Traceability and transparency

2. A living income for the farmer

3. Child labour and forced labour (modern slavery)

4. Deforestation and climate change

5. Agroforestry practices

6. Use of pesticides and chemicals in the growing of cocoa.

Then it gives an overall rating of the addition of all these areas.

And winners this year are:

1. Achievement award – Tony’s Chocolonely – for achieving 5 years of Green level and best practice

2. Good Egg Award for large Company – Ritter

3. Good Egg for Small Chocolate Company – tied winner between Original Beans and Beyond Good

4. Innovation Award – Chocolate Makers

5. Gender Award – joint winners Lidl Supermarkets and Pladis

The new website launched at 6am GMT / 5pm Sydney UTC+11 on March 20th. It not only gives key information but can be used on the mobile phone when consumers go to buy their chocolate. Put in a brand and if it they participated it will come up with a coloured category on how well they are doing, from best practice to lagging -Green, yellow, orange, red.

It has 3 scored Scorecard groupings; large companies, small chocolatiers, and retailer supermarket “own brand” chocolates. It has found some interesting insights into the chocolate industry.

It is the project of Be Slavery Free an Australian based coalition with partners around the world. It covers about 90% of the chocolate produced globally.

Last year The Chocolate Scorecard had a print reach of almost 1 billion. It is having an effect!

For more information, interviews and questions contact:

Fuzz Kitto – CoDirector Be Slavery Free +61 407931115 [email protected]

Fuzz Kitto
Be Slavery Free
+61 407931115
[email protected]

Originally published at