Harnessing the Power of Nature for Mental Health: CMHC Collaborates with GVC for Innovative Green Street Project

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CMHC Logo: Promoting the harmony of mental well-being and nature.

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Chesapeake Bay Trust Empowering People, Restoring Nature

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GVC is a Baltimore County-based land trust and watershed restoration non-profit

Grant approved to develop of an innovative conceptual plan for integrating Nature Informed therapy with green infrastructure to enhance mental health practices.

Our aim is to create a blueprint for other mental health facilities to follow, integrating green infrastructure with Nature Informed therapy.”

— Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Ph.D., LCPC

TOWSON, MD, USA, June 30, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Chesapeake Mental Health Collaborative (CMHC) proudly announces a collaboration with the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, recently selected as a grant recipient by the Chesapeake Bay Trust under the Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns initiative. This significant grant will fund the development of a conceptual plan integrating green infrastructure and nature-informed therapy for CMHC’s headquarters located in Towson, MD.

Existing research underscores the profound connection between mental health and green spaces. However, the dearth of practical methodologies for integrating these benefits into urban and suburban infrastructure presents an unmet need. The CMHC-Gunpowder Valley Conservancy partnership aims to fill this gap through the innovative Green Street Project.

“The Green Street Project marks an exciting milestone in CMHC’s journey,” says Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Executive Director of CMHC. “It symbolizes our commitment to promoting mental health in harmony with environmental sustainability. Our aim is to create a blueprint for other mental health facilities to follow, integrating green infrastructure with nature-informed therapy.”

The project is poised to offer manifold benefits. It will create an accessible, urban green space for nature-informed therapy, directly serving CMHC practitioners and clients. This initiative will particularly benefit urban residents, who often lack access to rural natural spaces.

Located in a high-traffic and high-visibility area in Towson, the Green Street Project will leverage its location to educate the public about the value of nature-informed therapy through informative signage and community events.

As a unique educational resource, the project will enhance CMHC’s Nature-Informed Therapy Certification course, enabling trainees to enrich their own mental health facilities with green spaces. The developed methodology will also be shared with landscape design professionals and therapists through a published journal article, extending the impact of this project to a broader audience.

The project would not be possible without the collaboration of the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, a trusted land trust and watershed restoration non-profit based in Baltimore County. “Our collaboration with the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy reflects our shared belief in the therapeutic potential of nature,” says Schreiber-Pan. “By bringing nature closer to our clients and practitioners, we are expanding the boundaries of traditional therapy, enabling holistic healing and well-being

CMHC is thrilled to work with Gunpowder Valley Conservancy on this exciting initiative and is deeply grateful for the Chesapeake Bay Trust’s support. Stay tuned for updates on the project’s progress and its transformative impact on the community.

About CMHC:

Founded in 2014, the Chesapeake Mental Health Collaborative (CMHC) has established a strong reputation as a leading mental health service provider in the Baltimore area. CMHC is composed of a group of dedicated professionals offering comprehensive and high-quality mental health care services, emphasizing cultural sensitivity and a personalized approach.

CMHC stands out through its commitment to Nature Informed therapy. Understanding the powerful therapeutic potential of nature, CMHC actively integrates nature-based experiences into mental health treatment protocols. By doing so, the Collaborative facilitates holistic healing, fostering both physical and mental well-being for its clients. This approach is particularly impactful for urban and suburban residents who often lack access to natural spaces.

CMHC’s innovative practices extend to its education initiatives. The Collaborative provides a unique Nature-Informed Therapy Certification course, teaching mental health professionals how to bring the healing power of nature into their therapeutic practices. With an unwavering dedication to evidence-based care and a passion for nature-informed therapy, CMHC empowers individuals, couples, families, and organizations to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

As CMHC moves forward with the Green Street Project in collaboration with Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, it continues to pioneer the integration of green spaces in mental health practice, affirming its commitment to improving mental health outcomes and environmental wellness for the communities it serves.

About GVC:

The Gunpowder Valley Conservancy (GVC) is a Baltimore County-based land trust and watershed restoration non-profit that is committed to clean water for the two million people who live in, visit or benefit from the Gunpowder Watershed by preserving land, restoring ecosystems, and encouraging people to become environmental stewards.

Jessica Wodarczyk
Chesapeake Mental Health Collaborative
+1 410-567-1117
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/642281851/harnessing-the-power-of-nature-for-mental-health-cmhc-collaborates-with-gvc-for-innovative-green-street-project