Midwest Bio-Systems Introduces Aeromaster PT-170X

PT-170X maximizes machine life, profitability while minimizing required maintenance

TAMPICO, ILLINOIS, UNITED STATES, February 9, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Midwest Bio-Systems is introducing the Aeromaster PT-170X pull-type compost windrow turner and is reporting that the reduction in maintenance cost and increased production of the composting machine over five years actually covers the cost of purchasing the equipment.

The choice of compost turner size is frequently influenced by limited space considerations, as customers aim to meet volume goals within a smaller-than-ideal area for their compost site. Another key determinant in selecting the turner size is the balance between labor constraints and the target of achieving the maximum tons with the least amount of labor. Opting for larger turners is often driven by the convenience of a truck being able to unload the feedstocks while moving forward to create a windrow. Subsequently, the turner requires minimal loader work to shape the windrows before the initial compost turning process.

“With its forward-thinking design, the operator can aerate, blend, and incorporate water and inoculants in a single pass,” Midwest Bio-Systems owner Edwin Blosser said. “The PT-170X is constructed with a straightforward design using heavy-duty components to optimize machine longevity while minimizing maintenance. The drum features a belt drive powered by a PTO driveline, effectively cushioning metal fatigue and extending the equipment’s usability much longer with minimal to no wear on the drivetrain.”

Ensuring driveline safety, the auto trip PTO driveline disengages in the presence of excess stress. Upon the drive train ceasing to turn, the clutch resets, enabling an immediate restart of turning. The retractable drum can be hydraulically lifted out of the windrow within seconds at any moment, facilitating the inspection of the windrow’s internal profile or allowing an exit from the windrow for any reason. Switching to the transport position readies the PT-170X for towing down the road to the next location.

To learn more about the PT-170X, please visit the Midwest Bio-Systems website or YouTube channel.


Established in 1993 by Edwin Blosser, Midwest Bio-Systems (MBS) is a leader in manufacturing Aeromaster Composting Equipment. Dedicated to enhancing global farming profitability, MBS provides top-quality Humus Compost through its renowned Aeromaster® line. This equipment, along with the Aeromaster Composting System (ACS) and microbial inoculants, ensures consistent, high-value humus compost production. Recognized as the best in the market, Aeromaster equipment empowers compost facilities to achieve superior performance, adopting best practices for faster and more cost-effective composting. Our recommendation focuses on extracting Humus Compost into a liquid Humus extract, utilizing the ACS line of compost tea extraction products to significantly boost compost fertility.

Benjamin David
Rhythm Communications
+1 513-900-7128
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/687508566/midwest-bio-systems-introduces-aeromaster-pt-170x