Quick Quack Car Wash Honored as a Best Led Company in 2024, a Glassdoor Award Honoring Exceptional Senior Leadership

Quick Quack Car Wash Honored as a Best Led Company in 2024, a Glassdoor Award Honoring Exceptional Senior Leadership


Don’t Drive Dirty with Quick Quack Car Wash!

We are honored and, at the same time, committed to continue striving each day to more completely fulfill our mission to change the lives of our team members for the better.”

— Jason Johnson, Co-Founder & CEO, Quick Quack Car Wash

ROCKLIN, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 15, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Quick Quack Car Wash has been named a winner of Glassdoor’s inaugural award for Best-Led Companies 2024 in the United States. This award honors companies with exceptional senior leadership teams that go above and beyond to redefine the employee experience. Unlike other workplace awards, Glassdoor’s awards rely on input over the past year from employees who anonymously submit a company review on Glassdoor.

“Quick Quack Car Wash has been intentional and deliberate in creating a culture of smart, kind and driven team members for almost twenty years,” said Quick Quack Car Wash Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jason Johnson. “We are honored and, at the same time, committed to continue striving each day to more completely fulfill our mission to change the lives of our team members for the better.”

“We’re continuing to see employees face challenges as they navigate the rapidly evolving nature of worklife,” said Christian Sutherland-Wong, Glassdoor Chief Executive Officer. “But regardless of changes, one thing is certain; the people within an organization remain its greatest asset, and I truly believe employee wellbeing trickles down from the very top. That’s why we’re excited to reveal Glassdoor’s inaugural list of the Best-Led Companies, showcasing those shining examples of companies where senior leadership is putting worklife and people first according to the millions of ratings and insights provided by those who really know a company – employees.”

When providing a company review, employees are asked to rate several factors tied to their employment experience. These include rating sentiment around their CEO’s job performance as well as around senior management, among other factors. Specifically, when rating their CEO on Glassdoor, employees are able to choose from one of three options: approve, disapprove or no opinion of the CEO. Employees are also asked to share some of the best reasons to work for the company (pros), any downsides (cons) and are encouraged to provide advice to management. Additionally, the Best-Led Companies algorithm leveraged Review Intelligence, a Glassdoor sentiment analysis tool that reads, analyzes, and categorizes reviews to surface topics, insights, and trends to score company reviews that mention “senior leadership” topics.

Glassdoor award winners for the Best-Led Companies 2024 are determined using Glassdoor’s proprietary awards algorithm, and each leadership approval rating was determined based on the quantity, quality and consistency of Glassdoor-approved company reviews submied by U.S.-based employees between March 1, 2023 and February 29, 2024. During the year-long eligibility period, companies considered for the list must have more than 1,000 employees and receive at least 100 ratings across the two leadership attributes CEO job performance and senior management). Complete awards methodology can be found and downloaded here: https://www.glassdoor.com/Award/index.htm

SEE FULL LIST 50 Best-Led Companies 2024.

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About Quick Quack Car Wash

Quick Quack Car Wash is “Fast. Clean. Loved… Everywhere.” Quick Quack has 230 locations in California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado and is regularly recognized for its community-building efforts as well as its environmentally friendly business practices. Quick Quack celebrates a company culture of “Smart, Kind, and Driven” leaders, team members, and community partners working together to ensure that customers “Don’t Drive Dirty!” More information is available online at www.DontDriveDirty.com.

Copyright © 2004 2024, Quick Quack Car Wash, “Don’t Drive Dirty” and logos are proprietary trademarks of Quick Quack Car Wash.

Media Contact: [email protected]

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is revolutionizing how people everywhere find jobs and companies they love by providing deeper workplace transparency. Professionals turn to Glassdoor to research ratings, reviews, salaries and more at millions of employers, and to join communities to engage in candid workplace conversations. Companies use Glassdoor to post jobs and aract talent through employer branding and employee insights products. Glassdoor is a subsidiary of Recruit Holdings, a global technology company transforming the future of work, and a part of its HR Technology business unit. For more information, visit www.glassdoor.com.

Copyright © 2008 2024, Glassdoor LLC. “Glassdoor” and logo are proprietary trademarks of Glassdoor LLC.

Media Contact: [email protected]

Travis Kimball
Quick Quack Car Wash
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+ +1 916-256-2384
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/711739982/quick-quack-car-wash-honored-as-a-best-led-company-in-2024-a-glassdoor-award-honoring-exceptional-senior-leadership