World’s fastest liveness detection platform is offering a full featured Proof of Concept at zero cost, no commitment

Facia, a pioneer in liveness detection technology is offering a full Proof of Concept for no cost or commitment to help organizations understand the importance of improving security measures.

First ever full proof of concept from a face recognition company at zero cost or commitment. Get hands on experience to Nist and Ibeta tested liveness detection

The POC will deliver a complete experience to prospective buyers. Even though we incur a significant cost, but this is our way of helping improve global digital security”

— Mujadad Naeem, CEO Facia

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, September 8, 2023/ — Facia, a major player in the liveness detection and face recognition industry, recently announced a full featured proof of concept (POC). The POC does not require any cost or commitments from those who sign up for it, and will give them the complete experience of Facia’s offering.

The UK based startup recently secured a funding of $1.2m as part of an angel investment. The company pledges to revolutionise digital security and help businesses fight the rising problem of identity theft. The emerging world of generative AI and increased technology exposure has posed significant risks to online security, with individuals experiencing multiple cases of financial fraud and losing out huge sums of money.

The full featured POC is backed by a 50hr engineering practice from Facia, offering a customised experience for those who sign up. It will provide organisations with the opportunity to identify the importance of 3D liveness technology and its benefits in the long-run. Moreover, an effective face recognition system can enhance an organisation’s digital security and create a seamless experience for customer onboarding.

Undoubtedly, passwords and PINS are rapidly becoming susceptible to hacking, and the digital security industry is in dire need of making biometrics a part of its operations. Regulatory authorities have recognised the potential of enhanced biometric security, and it is coined as one of the key elements that can fight fraud from generative AI. The use of deepfakes and sophisticated criminal activity is becoming harder to detect each day, and it is imperative for organisations to implement robust security measures to protect their customers. This technology has a widespread use case among several industries including KYC, Banking, Fintech, Airports, Governments and E-Commerce.

The full featured POC is available on Facia’s site for a limited time only. Considering the amount of engineering and resources required for such a product concept, it has to be exclusive.

Companies that are looking to implement biometric security or face recognition technology have the ideal opportunity to explore one of the leading providers, Facia. It will give them an overview of how the technology works and how robust is Facia’s system. Organisations operating in the face recognition industry have not yet come up with such an offering, and it is encouraging to see that a leading provider is allowing businesses to explore the technology before paying for it. This will not just benefit Facia, but it will have a positive impact on the overall landscape of digital security.

Mujadad Naeem
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