Freewyld’s ‘Wyld Mode’ is the Answer to Technology Addiction

Freewyld’s ‘Wyld Mode’ is the Answer to Technology Addiction

Freewyld Cabins in Idyllwild

New Idyllwild, CA-based hospitality brand Freewyld is pioneering a new movement in the travel industry called “Wyld Mode” to help us disconnect from technology.

It’s time to take back control from technology. Seek out those moments that truly matter and be unapologetically present in them.”
— Eric D. Moeller

IDYLLWILD, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, April 25, 2024 / — In an age where smartphone notifications are relentless and screen time is rising, San Diego entrepreneur Eric D. Moeller, CEO of Freewyld, introduces a solution: the “Wyld Mode” movement. This initiative encourages people to power down their devices and power up their connection to nature, meaningful interactions, and inspiration.

Recent research from the Consumer Affairs Journal of Consumer Research highlights a startling reality: Americans check their phones an average of 144 times daily, with nearly 57% admitting to mobile phone addiction. In response, Freewyld’s “Wyld Mode” offers a refreshing break, promoting digital detox through principles that prioritize real-world connections over digital ones.

Moeller explains, “In the rush of notifications and endless scrolling, we often miss the life right in front of us. Wyld Mode isn’t just about turning off your phone; it’s about tuning into the present moment.”

Moeller founded Freewyld, a new hospitality brand focused on creating amazing spaces for travelers to reconnect with nature and themselves. The company’s flagship location opened in Idyllwild, CA, in late 2023.

When travelers stay at the Freewyld cabins in Idyllwild, they’re invited to spend a portion of their time in Wyld Mode. Freewyld provides a variety of screen-free activities designed to increase connection. However, you don’t need to escape to the woods to benefit from Wyld Mode.

The “Wyld Mode” challenge is simple yet impactful: every Friday after work, participants are encouraged to set their phones to airplane mode, stash them away, and fully engage with the world around them—uninterrupted.

Moeller invites everyone to join the movement: “It’s time to take back control from technology. Seek out those moments that truly matter and be unapologetically present in them.”

To learn more about how you can participate in the “Wyld Mode” movement and explore Freewyld’s unique accommodations, visit

Kaye Putnam
[email protected]
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Story of the Birth of Wyld Mode

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