From the sea to the mountains: new must-see destinations for travellers in Peru

From the sea to the mountains: new must-see destinations for travellers in Peru

Geysers Valley

Peru is associated with tourist destinations like Machu Picchu. Beyond this iconic place, there are other attractions that also deserve a visit.

LONDON, LONDON, UK, May 3, 2024 / — From the sea to the mountains: new must-see destinations for travellers in Peru

– Peru is often associated with tourist destinations like Machu Picchu or Lake Titicaca. Beyond these iconic places, there are other attractions that also deserve a visit.

– Peru is a country that always surprises: its impressive Andean mountains, lush Amazon rainforest, and majestic coasts bathed by the Pacific Ocean. With extraordinary natural attractions, Peru offers the traveler seeking a unique experience the opportunity to explore these new attractions.

Geysers Valley (Tacna)
Located three and a half hours from the city of Tacna, in a volcanic area surrounded by imposing mountains, is the Geysers Valley. This is one of the most beautiful landscapes in the Tacna region, at the southern end of Peru. More than 80 hot springs of volcanic origin, with temperatures ranging from 37°C to 80°C, make this destination an unmissable natural spectacle.

The Ojo del Ángel geyser stands out among all. This pool of turquoise waters with outer rings of gold and orange leaves observers impressed. Near this attraction, visitors can enjoy its hot springs, known for their therapeutic and relaxing properties.

Tinajani Canyon (Puno)
Located two hours from Juliaca, in the highland region of Puno, is the Tinajani Canyon, an area of ​​over 250 hectares with imposing sandstone rock formations that give it its characteristic reddish color and forests of Puya Raimondi, a majestic plant that can reach 10 meters in height and have 18,000 flowers. Likewise, tourists can explore several hiking and trekking routes that allow them to explore its natural beauty.

On the route, there are ancient angular or round-based towers from the 13th and 14th centuries, called “chullpas” in Quechua. These constructions served to shelter the mummified bodies of a ruler or member of the nobility. Likewise, tourists can contemplate the tranquil crystal-clear waters of the Queñacuyo, Huarachani, and Pacobamba gorges.

San Fernando National Reserve
The destination where the sea and the Andes meet. Thanks to its 154,000 hectares comprising 5 ecosystems and being home to iconic species of the coast and the highlands, the San Fernando National Reserve is considered the second most important reserve in Peru. There, just 1 hour and 30 minutes from the city of Nasca, Humboldt penguins, sea lions, and otters share space with guanacos and Andean foxes that descend from the mountains.

The protagonist of this protected area is the San Fernando cove, a unique geographical feature on the Peruvian coast. On the edge of the cliff, in the afternoon hours, condors gather for their majestic flights. Sport fishing, sandboarding, and cycling are some of the activities that visitors can enjoy.

Red River (Cusco)
Cusco has become a great tourist destination. To the list of amazing places to visit, a peculiar river is added, which runs like blood in the veins of the Red Valley.

Located three hours from the Imperial City, the Red River flows near the imposing Vinicunca, also known as the Mountain of Seven Colors. It exhibits its distinctive crimson tone in the first five kilometers from its source during the rainy months, especially from January to March, due to the presence of certain minerals deposited in the riverbed.

The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism, PROMPERÚ, is an entity under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru and the body responsible for formulating, approving, executing, and evaluating strategies and plans for promoting Peru’s image in tourism, exports, and foreign direct investments in the country.

Fatima Vásquez de Velasco
[email protected]

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