GET Cities Takes A Stance on Fear-Based Legislation by supporting Equality Florida’s Travel Advisory

Through this show of support and additional work with TransSOCIAL, GET Cities seeks to advocate for the transgender community and combat fear-based legislation.

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, June 30, 2023/ — GET (Gender Equality in Tech) Cities is taking a stand for transgender rights amidst the intensifying national conversation surrounding recent fear-based legislation. By supporting Equality Florida’s travel advisory, collaborating with TransSOCIAL, Inc., and kicking off an article series on this legislation, GET Cities reaffirms its commitment to championing the rights of transgender individuals.

Leslie Smith, National Director of GET Cities, stated: “The legislative violence targeting marginalized populations endangers their lives and obstructs their economic prosperity, social connections, and overall well-being. It hinders economic prosperity as discriminatory practices limit access to opportunities, fair wages, and upward mobility. As we erect barriers that impede the progress and success of marginalized individuals, we stifle their potential contributions to society as a whole, making us all poorer in the end.”

To that end, GET Cities has pledged support for Equality Florida’s travel advisory, which takes a firm stance against the oppressive legislation targeting transgender rights. It also lays out the safety precautions to consider for those still in Florida or for those who still need or choose to visit. GET Cities and Equality Florida both strive to counteract these harmful measures, raising awareness about the current policies led by Governor DeSantis and the detrimental impact they have on marginalized populations.

“In his quest to win a GOP Presidential nomination, Ron DeSantis has made his intentions regarding civil liberties clear. And in doing so, he has impacted our state in ways that will outlast his political career. Free states don’t criminalize healthcare, they invest in our collective wellbeing. Free states don’t use the power of government to censor free speech and punish dissent, they value discourse and celebrate diversity of thought. Florida may be the frontline, but we are all in the fight for real freedom.” Co-Founder & CEO, Equality Florida

Additionally, GET Cities will increase our partnership and collaboration with TransSOCIALas they work to provide travel and accommodation assistance for transgender individuals, ensuring they can access health care safely. TransSOCIAL is a partner of GET Champions, an intervention designed by GET Cities and powered by Radical Partners for forward-thinking tech leaders to increase and retain women, trans and nonbinary employees in their companies.

“More than 30% of Trans people in Florida report experiencing discrimination in the workplace. Florida’s new anti-Trans laws will only exacerbate those experiences and employers will miss out on the expertise and skills of our Trans workforce. Florida businesses with a commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging can play a major role in ensuring safe and affirming workplaces for our Trans community.” says Ashley Mayfaire, Co-founder and Director of Operations at TransSOCIAL.

Finally, GET Cities will publish a series of thought-provoking articles to shed light on the damaging effects of fear-based legislation. Titled Unmasking Discrimination, these articles emphasize the importance of evidence-based research, debunking misinformation, and fostering empathy and understanding.

“The urgency to address fear-based legislation cannot be understated,” states Leslie Smith, National Director of GET Cities. “We firmly believe that by forging strong partnerships and combining our voices, we can drive positive change and dismantle the barriers that hinder the progress and success of transgender individuals.”

To learn more about Equality Florida’s travel advisory, visit:
And to access the first in the article series and learn more about GET Cities’ efforts to promote gender equity in the tech industry, please visit:

Gabrielle LeVota
[email protected]

Originally published at